Hello Year 1,
Well done for all of your hard work last week. We saw lots of fantastic learning and we are very pleased that lots of you enjoyed our Peter Rabbit theme. We hope to see some more wonderful work again this week.
The timetable is now uploaded onto the website along with all the resources you will need.
Please remember that we must make contact with you all again this week as part of our safeguarding and child protection policy. We appreciate all the emails and messages that we receive on Class Dojo. We look forward to hearing how you are all getting on and remember if you need any help at all then don't hesitate to get in touch.
Have a wonderful week and take care!
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Hello Year 1,
We hope you all enjoyed the beginning of our final term last week. We were very pleased to see that lots of you were working extra hard again on your home learning. We loved seeing all of your wonderful Gruffalo activities and we saw some brilliant measuring work for maths too. Well done everyone!
We hope you enjoy our theme of Peter Rabbit this week and look forward to seeing some more fabulous work. Remember to send us some pictures on Class Dojo or by email. The timetable and resources are now available below.
Please also remember that it is important to get in touch with us to let us know that you are all safe and well. You can do this either by email or Class Dojo. You can also message us at any time if you have any questions.
We hope you all enjoy the week ahead. Keep safe!
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Hello Year 1,
We hope you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing half term! Hopefully you have had lots of fun and made lots of wonderful memories with your families.
We are now beginning your final term of Year 1! The timetable of activities for the week ahead is now available along with some of the resources you will need. We hope you are looking forward to completing this weeks tasks and we can't wait to see some photos of your finished work. Good luck!
We will be in touch this week by email or phone and look forward to hearing all of your news. Remember you can email us or message us on Class Dojo at any time if you have any concerns or questions.
Have a lovely week and stay safe!
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Hello Year 1!
We hope you have had a lovely long weekend. Thank you for sending lots more fabulous work to show us last week. We have been really impressed!
Our timetable for this week has been uploaded below. We hope you enjoy completing this weeks activities and we are looking forward to seeing some of your pictures.
Please note that on Monday's English task it says to 'answer the following questions' (about The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch). The questions are actually on a separate document which we have uploaded. We will also put these on the Class Dojo app to make them easier to access too.
Have a good week everyone. Good luck and stay safe!
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Hello Year 1!
Well done on all your hard work last week. Thank you for all of the photographs and examples of brilliant work. We loved seeing your wonderful towers, brilliant maths work and reading your seaside stories.
Below is this week's timetable. Remember to send us your photographs on our Class Dojo app or by email. We will be in touch to see how you are getting on but if you have any problems or questions please email us or message us on Class Dojo.
Take care and stay safe.
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Hello Year 1!
We hope you are all keeping safe and well at home.
We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for all of your hard work on our online learning tasks.
Also, thank you to everyone who has been in touch with us this week and kept us up to date with what you activities you have been completing.
Please make sure that you contact us at least once each week with an update on how you are getting on. This can either be by email or through our Class Dojo app. If you would prefer a weekly phone call rather than email then please let us know as this can also be arranged.
You can contact us at any time if you have any problems or concerns just email
c.chapelhow@stmarys-harrington.cumbria.sch.uk or k.lowery@stmarys-harrington.cumbria.sch.uk
You can also message us at any time on our Class Dojo app. If you haven't signed up already then please do as this is a great communication tool.
We are looking forward to seeing examples of more wonderful work this week as well as hearing all of your news!
Take care everyone, stay safe!
Miss Chapelhow and Mrs Lowery
Reception and Year 1 had a fantastic time at Walby Farm Park. The children were all very well behaved and had beautiful manners.
A super day had by all!