Welcome to Year 3!
We are so pleased to welcome you to our class and all the exciting learning experiences ahead this academic year.
In our class there are four adults who will be working with you all of the time. We have Mr Henderson who is our class teacher and Miss Newton, also a class teacher. Mrs Lowrey and Mr Hill are our wonderful classroom support staff.
Year 3 is a big transition between the key stages. The Year 3 team will make this as smooth as possible for everybody. Working hard and having fun while learning is actively encouraged and rewarded. Children will undertake challenging and fun learning opportunities focusing in many exciting new topics for young minds to explore.
Through focused work in R.E. and PSHRE children are taught the morales which underpin the values and expectations of behaviour in Year 3. Children are kind, helpful and respect each other.
Year 3 is a fun exciting class with not one but two teachers. What an amazing place to come and learn, grow and succeed.