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Harrington Reservoir Visit - Monday 24th June
Class 1 went over to the reservoir on Monday to meet Susan who works for Workington Nature Partnership. She told the children all about the reservoir and what creatures they may find in and around it.
We went for a walk around and found a good site to go pond dipping.
Susan knew our topic was 'Under the Sea' so she had brought lots of objects that she had found down at Harrington Shore for the children to examine. The children compared these to what they might find under the pond.
Every child got to pond dip and examined their finds very carefully! They found lots of interesting bugs and even caught tiny fish!
A great afternoon had by all!
Class 1 had a fantastic day at the Gincase on Thursday. They got to feed lambs, meet lots of animals and play on great adventure playgrounds.
Everybody had lots of fun.
Class 1 had a fantastic morning at St Joseph's multi-skills festival. They used their balance, co-ordination, and agility skills. The children were all very well behaved and they all had lots of fun too.
The children in Class 1 have been learning all about Our Lady Mary.
They helped Miss Orr to create a beautiful alter to celebrate the month of May.
They collected flowers, drew Mary and created daffodils for our classroom display.
Class 1's topic for the first half of term is 'Creepy Crawly Fun'. Today, we had a very special visitor; Claire from 'Claire's Cool Creatures'.
She brought with her King Julian the snake, Gloria the chicken, Hercules the giant African millipede, Toothless the leopard gheko, Shelby the African land snail, Tallulah the African pygmy hedgehog and a skinny pig!
Claire spoke to the children about each animal and told them lots of interesting facts! The children all got a chance to touch and hold the animals.
A fantastic morning had by all!
This morning we had another special visitor! Sienna's Mummy, who is a dental nurse popped into class to tell the children how she helps people.
She talked to the children about her job and told them how they could keep their teeth healthy.
The children asked lots of very interesting questions and they found out some great information. They got their own dental mask and toothpaste to take home too!
Today, the children in Class 1 got a special visit from Red Watch Fire Fighters from Workington Fire Station.
The children were all extremely excited.
The Fire Fighters spoke to the children about their job and told them all about the different ways they help people.
The Fire Fighters dressed Miss Orr up in their special protective clothes (which children found very funny). They dressed up themselves, squirted the hose and even got to sit in the Fire Engine!
The children had a fantastic morning and learnt so much about the Fire Brigade. They thanked the Fire Fighters with thank you letters and drawings. One child even asked if they could come back everyday!
This half term in Class 1 the children are learning all about 'People who help us'. We had a special visitor this week, PCSO Lauren came to visit the children. She came in to chat to the children about being a Police Officer and what her job entailed. Lauren explained to the children that the police were there to help and are not to be afraid of. The children listened beautifully and asked some excellent questions.
Leo's Birthday
This week in Class 1 we have been celebrating a very special birthday. The children learnt that it was Leo's birthday this week. Leo is a character from a book they have been looking at called 'The Knight who wouldn't Fight'.
The children got straight to work writing party invitations, creating birthday cakes and wrapping presents with special tags on just for Leo.
The children wanted to celebrate and have a party for Leo on Friday. They carefully chose what food to make for the party; they decided to make a birthday cake, sandwiches and they decorated biscuits too.
Finally, Friday arrived and the party was amazing! The children were very excited to eat the party food, give Leo his presents and play party games!
As you can see by all our wonderful photographs below, we were having so much fun planning our party;
What a fantastic week!
Soup Making
On Tuesday 10th October Class 1 made some delicious soup. Mrs McCreadie brought in some huge vegetables! Some were even bigger than us! We talked about all the delicious vegetables before preparing them to make soup.