Please find each class's weekly home work and home learning tasks for pupils who are absent from school below. If you have any queries about homework or home learning activities or require a new log-in or password; please contact your child's teacher via e-mail.
Nursery Class Teacher Miss B Sandelands
Reception Class Teacher Mr J Graham
Year 1 Class Teacher Miss C Wells
Year 2 Class Teacher Mrs Davidson
Year 3 Class Teacher Miss O Newton
Year 4 Class Teacher Miss C Thompson
Year 5 Class Teacher Miss M Lobb
Year 6 Class Teacher Miss P Heron
A message from Mr Wise...
Here at St Joseph's myself and the PE staff have developed 10 activities for children to do at home during lockdown.
These activities are designed for the home (with family involvement encouraged) with progressions, regressions and alternate things to use if they don't have the correct equipment.
I have attached the link to the YouTube video for you to share. This has a video introduction, visual demonstrations of the first 2 videos and details alongside. I will send 2 new videos each week along with their resource sheets.
With their own schoolwork I do have worries about overload so there are only 2 activities per week with a link to 2 demonstration videos on my youtube channel. All you have to do each week is to share the links plus the 2 activity cards as well.
As this is week 1 you will also need to share the initial list of the 10 activities plus the scorecard/tracking sheet as well.
David Wise