Curricular Enrichment Activities
Year 1 National Numeracy Day Fun - Wednesday 18th May 2022
We all had a great time making strawberry milk on National Numeracy Day. Our topic in maths was measuring so we had lots of fun measuring our strawberries, sugar and milk!
Click on the link below or scan the QR code to watch our video.
Contract to Cube-It
This term, Years 4, 5 and 6 have been lucky enough to work with the Primary Business Partnership. Sophie and Neal from the partnership visited us at school and taught us all about the manufacturing process - how businesses manufacture products, buy raw materials and sell them for profit.
The children worked in small business teams and had to manufacture cubes, buy additional raw materials to build more cubes and then sell their final products for a profit. Watch this space as a number of our pupils were natural entrepreneurs and could soon by 'hired' by Lord Sugar!
Number Day 2022 NSPCC
On Friday we celebrated Number Day a fundraising event for the NSPCC. All of the teachers planned an exciting range of games and activities looking at the importance of Maths in our daily lives. Well done to everyone for their contribution to an action packed celebration of number.
Bright Stars
This year, Year 5 have had the exciting opportunity to collaborate with local businesses around Cumbria and the Centre for Leadership Performance. We took part in a county wide competition with a mission of setting up our own business over the course of 8 weeks. Starting with £50, we created a company called 'P.I.N' or People In Need and chose a local charity for whom we would make a profit for. We worked alongside Gen2 to create a business plan and lead a range of events, whilst keeping track of expenditure and profit. We organised a St Mary's Fayre, Valentines Day celebration, Pancake Day celebration and a 50p auction. We managed to raise £1583.15 for The Great North Air Ambulance Service and won the local award for collaboration.
Contract to Cube-It
This term, Years 4 and 5 have been lucky enough to work with the Primary Business Partnership. Steph and Melanie from the partnership visited us at school and taught us all about the manufacturing process - how businesses manufacture products, buy raw materials and sell them for profit.
The children worked in small business teams and had to manufacture cubes, buy additional raw materials to build more cubes and then sell their final products for a profit.