Forest School
Friday 5th May 2023
Year 5 enjoyed forest school with our visitor Mrs Cooper. They used a pestle and mortar to crush wild garlic which they then mixed with butter and olive oil to make garlic butter- they then enjoyed it on some delicious bread!
4th May 2023
This afternoon, Year 5 had an exciting treat! They had a go at archery, crossbow and mini-golf with our visitor Jonny! They all enjoyed trying something new and learnt some new skills.
Monday 6th- Wednesday 9th March 2023
This week sixteen children from Year 5 achieved Level 1 and Level 2 in Bikeability. Their Level 2 required them to go out onto the roads in the local area to learn how to ride a bike safely!
Wednesday 15th February 2023
Quidditch Day
This term, in Guided Reading, Year 5 have loved reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone so it was fantastic treat when they found out we were going to be having a Quidditch Day! All of the children were split into the house teams: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin and battled it out to win the cup! Slytherin managed to take the title!
It was great to see the children using teamwork, respect, determination and honesty throughout the day.
Thursday 3rd November 2022
Den Building
Today we were joined by Chris Harman (The Den Man) to work in groups to make our very own waterproof dens. We were given: cable ties, bamboo sticks, pipes, pegs and waterproof material and were encouraged to use teamwork, resilience, problem solving and listening skills to complete the challenge! Our dens were tried and tested with the torrential rain as the heavens opened and the hail poured down on us. However, this didn’t dampen our spirits as we had a fantastic afternoon!
Monday 31ST October 2022
Today Year 5 commenced their ‘Sports Leader’ training with Amy from Wrights Sport Services. We discussed what attributes made a ‘good leader’, these included: giving concise instructions, being organised and having a positive attitude. We then worked in groups to begin designing our very own game which we will deliver to a group next week.
Monday 12th September 2022
Today we enjoyed acting out William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. We spent the day rehearsing with Jason from Play in a Day before inviting the rest of the school to watch our performance.