In line with our policy, all children are expected to wear full school uniform which includes black shoes not trainers (shoes with Velcro fasteners are preferable for children who are unable to tie laces), a burgundy cardigan or sweatshirt with embroidered school logo, white polo shirt with the school logo on, grey trousers or grey/pinafores. Girls can wear a red gingham dress in summer paired with a burgundy school cardigan with school logo on. Replacement items can be purchased online from Identity.
PE Kit consists of navy shorts and a navy t-shirt with the school logo on. Warmer items; PE Hoodie and Jogging bottoms can also be purchased. There are two styles of PE Kit, one for Nursery to Year 2 children and one for Year 3 to 6 children.
Iron on name labels can also be purchased and are highly recommended.
You can shop for uniform online at Identity Barrow, please register on the website's HOME page: and a password will be sent to you. Once you receive an email with the passwords, proceed to this page enter the password (the password goes in the grey box at the top of the page) and press submit.
The deadline for ordering school uniform for September, to ensure delivery before we break up, is the second Friday in June. Any orders after this date are not guaranteed to be delivered before we break up for the summer holidays.
You order uniform direct from the Identity website at any time .