
"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward
from him.” Psalms 127:3

“Not all of us can do great things but we can do
small things with great love.” Saint Teresa

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Workington Nature Reserve

Thursday 6th June 2024

Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood

Monday 20th- Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Pupils from Year 6 had a brilliant time at Robin Wood in Alston. They showed excellent resilience, determination and bravery in trying all of the activities including: crate climbing, canoeing, archery, caving and climbing. The children also worked collaboratively using their problem-solving skills to escape from the Piranha pool and from the ‘Quest’ escape room. The most popular activity was definitely the big swing!

Designing and Making our Playgrounds

Thursday 9th May 2024

In DT, we worked in groups to plan and build our own structurally sound playgrounds. We thought carefully about how we could strengthen our designs.

Tuesday 26th March 2024

Stations of the Cross

We carried out ‘The Stations of the Cross’ which is a form of prayer used traditionally in Lent. Each of the 14 Stations retells part of Jesus’ Passion (his suffering and death) through images and words. We worked in groups to role play the 14 stations to help us reflect and remember the event that lies at the heart of Christianity– Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.


Friday 15th March 2024

British Science Week- Pet Encounter

As part of British Science week, we enjoyed a visit from Pet Encounter!

Monday 11th March 2023


We were pleased to welcome Cricket Chris back this morning! We enjoyed practicing our bowling skills and we’re looking forward to our session next week.

Contract to Cube It!

Friday 2nd February 2024

Year 6 were lucky enough to be joined by the Primary Business Partnership who visited us to teach us about the manufacturing process, how businesses manufacture products, buy raw materials and sell them for a profit. Our task was to become ‘Cumbria Traders’ by forming our own business groups; we competed against one another to find the winning team. During the task, we had to collaborate and trade with other businesses.


Teams built models that represented the different industries found in Cumbria in cubes and were paid money for each model built. This money could then be used to invest or trade with other groups to build more complex designs to earn more money. At the end of the game, the team who won the most money was the winner.


We had many budding entrepreneurs and some of them even gave Lord Sugar a run for his money!


Thursday 25th January 2024

Learning about Mass with Father Philip

Year 6 had a fantastic time in Church learning about Mass. Father Philip gave us an insight into how to deliver Mass and we particularly enjoyed being able to carry out the different elements of Mass: Liturgy of the Word, Offertory and Consecration.

Monday 15th January 2024

Guess Who?

In Science this half term, we are exploring ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. We spoke about inheritance, DNA, identical twins and how similarities can be genetics but how others have nothing to do with our genes. We really enjoyed playing ‘Guess Who’ in this lesson where we all brought baby photos in and had to guess who the baby was (including staff).

Wednesday 10th January 2024

Wheelchair Basketball

Year 6 (and Miss Heron) loved participating in wheelchair basketball today! We found out it wasn’t quite as easy as it looked and had great fun whizzing around the hall! The game required us to use teamwork as well as determination and perseverance.

Monday 8th January 2024

Mrs Wright- "The Holy Family"

Today we were joined by Mrs Wright who told us the story of the Finding in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52) through Godly Play. After returning to class, we explored the theme ‘Holy Family’ in more depth; we discussed how the Catholic Family could support those in the ‘Global community’  and researched the work of Mission Together who ignite God’s love around the world by praying and fundraising for children. We then joined back together as a school to share or work.


Tuesday 28th November 2023

Prayer and Liturgy - Love

Year 6 are wonderful at planning and delivering their own Prayer and Liturgies. Today, two of our pupils did a fantastic job at leading the session. They shared the Gospel, ‘Love the Bothers’ (Peter 3:8) with the class and reflected on what love meant to them and how they could ‘love one another’.

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Dissecting Hearts

In Science, Year 6 have been learning about the circulatory system, the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. We were joined by a nurse who taught us how the heart works and about how we can keep healthy to look after our heart. We then dissected pigs hearts which was lots of fun!

Blood in a bottle

8th November 2023

This afternoon, Year 6 made their very own blood in a bottle- they absolutely loved it! They represented the four main compartments of blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. Marshmallows were used to symbolise the white blood cells, yellow food colouring and salt were used to represent the minerals and chemicals dissolved in plasma, red food colouring was used to produce the blood colour, red coloured oat hoops represented the red blood cells and raisons symbolised the platelets

BBC 500 Words Competition

30th October 2023

Today we enjoyed using our imagination and creativity to write our very own stories! We took inspiration from some of our favourite authors such as JK Rowling, David Walliams and Roald Dahl, as well as discussing some of our favourite stories. Writing a story in a day and in five words proved very challenging and required lots of determination and perseverance- we were very proud of our final efforts!

Sellafield ‘Get Wired’ – 18th October 2023

Today we were joined by Sellafield for a ‘Get Wired’  workshop where we learnt about circuits and programming. We had to create circuits to make a lightbulb and siren work. We then went into the hall and had programme our own B-Bot Robots and had to create instructions for the Robot to    carry out various activities.


National Poetry Day - Refuge

5th October 2023

This morning we have been inspired by Michael Rosen’s poem, ‘On the Move again’ which explores this years National Poetry theme ‘Refuge’. We discussed how refuge meant a place of safety and put ourselves in the shoes of those who felt unsafe as a result of national disasters and war: we spoke about lots of tragic events we’ve seen in the news across the world. The children then created their own poems which are on display in our very own Year 6 Poetry book. Year 6 should all be very proud of themselves- they created some wonderful poems!

Year 6 work with author, Helen Haraldsen, and actor, Thomas Donnan

15th September 2023


On Friday, Year 6 had a fantastic day working with local author Helen Haraldsen. They created their very own story ‘The Final Life’ which was about a black cat called Moggs who explored his nine lives in rather extraordinary ways. They then recorded their story to create an audio story with actor Thomas Donnan.
