
"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward
from him.” Psalms 127:3

“Not all of us can do great things but we can do
small things with great love.” Saint Teresa

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This week, the children have been learning how to touch type in computing. 

This morning, we had a surprise visit from the one and only Peter Rabbit! The children were able to dance, cuddle and talk to Peter. They each also received an Easter egg!

As this week is Holy Week, in Year 3 we decided to take part in some role play to represent each of the 14 stations of the cross. We looked at the Easter story and the stations of the cross before the children produced some beautiful freeze frames depicting each station. 

Today, the children have taken part in a fantastic Little Life Savers workshop, run by the wonderful Natalie. The children were able to practice CPR; the recovery position and even bandage each other up. 

During Science week, the children have had an amazing time. We had a fantastic talk from Peter Nutsford; we met some fascinating animals with pet encounter and our classroom even turned into a jungle!

Tuesday 5th March- Today, Year 3 have received an extra special delivery. We have received a letter back from Sir David Attenborough. We wrote to David Attenborough to tell him we had used his research in science and that he is a huge role model to us. One of our amazing pupils even drew a fantastic chimpanzee picture for him. 

Tuesday 20th February- Today, the children had three special visitors from the Rotary Club to gift them a dictionary each. 

This week, we have taken part in a whole school Mass led by Father Philip in our hall. 

Wednesday 17th January- The children have enjoyed learning all about Antagonistic muscles in science this week and creating models to show how they work. 

Wednesday 10th January- Today, the children have had an amazing time playing wheelchair basket ball. 

Tuesday 28th November- Today, the children have enjoyed a lovely PHSE session delivered by Mrs. Lowery. The theme of the session was friendship and resolving conflict. 

Today, we have used our new collective worship area in year 3. the Theme of today's collective worship was truthfulness.  

Wednesday 16th November- Today the children have been learning about nutrients in science. They have been exploring food groups and a balanced diet. 

Thursday 9th November- Today, the children have been exploring foods from around the world. We have focused on seasonal foods such as lemons, watermelon, potatos and grapes. 

Wednesday 18th October- This week the children have been learning all about Mary Anning and making salt dough fossils.

Monday 9th October- The children have had a great time this week creating sock puppets in art and design.

Thursday 5th October  -This week the children have joined in on a zoom call all about Harvest. The children have learned all about fresh produce and how we can use it to have a healthy and nutritious diet. The children have found out about flour mills; how milk comes from the cow to our super markets and the functions of parts of a plant. 

Wednesday 27th September- This week the children have had fun creating clay pots in science. Our topic this term is rocks and we have been learning about the different uses of rock. The children have had a virtual tour of Honister slate mine, looking at how slate is used in our local area and then also learned about clay and where it comes from. The children then created clay pots to use at home. 
