
"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward
from him.” Psalms 127:3

“Not all of us can do great things but we can do
small things with great love.” Saint Teresa

Home Page


Please visit, ‘About us’, ‘Catholic Life’ for information regarding our RE and HSRE curriculum, our Catholic Values & Ethos and our RE policies.

HRSE Policy

Collective Worship/ Prayer and Liturgy Policy

Curricular Enrichment Activities

The children enjoyed a visit from Francesca, a performing arts teacher from the West End. Francesca talked to the children about friendship and their interests/ hobbies. Francesca then worked with the children to create and perform a 'friendship' dance. The children had lots of fun.

A Child's Guide to Confession

Year 3 children explain what happens at confession.

First Holy Communions Saturday July 16th 2022

Flat Stan First Aid

Friendship dance
